If you are wearing rigid work boots for a long day. You probably feel back pain. You are considering the reason behind the back pain. A point raised in your mind: Can work boots cause back pain? So you are in the right place to find the answer. Wearing work boots can cause arch and back pain it. the time it enhances the pain to the hip sides too.
Protective work boots are specially designed for the safety of our feet and ankle from injuries. But they create some uneasiness and discomfort with pain in other body parts such as legs, back hips, and Static pain a bit too. The rigid boots with high heels and form insoles especially contribute to the pain in the body, especially in the lower back area.
In this guide and information sharing, I will discuss the core reasons and causes of back pain and also share the solution to reduce this pain.
If you are suffering from it, I hope this guide will make you understand the potential causes of the pain in the lower back area.
Disclaimer: I am not a medical specialist so if you do experience any kind of back pain, do consult your medical specialist for consultation.
Now the question is this: how can work boots cause back pain?
Table of Contents
To understand the relationship between work boots and back pain we have to consider the reasons first. Many reasons cause back pain due to work boots. Extra high heels drop the natural body balance and weight and sometimes cause nerve injury or hurt. The rigidity of work boots injures the nerve and extra-fit work boots cause the disbalance movement of the body.
With intense research work to provide you with the best and more informative guide in an illustrative way.
Restricting the Ankle
Restriction on the ankle causes a problem in its movement and restricted work boots cause problems in the walk. That not only affects our duty performance but discomfort in the body too. Safety work boots are used for the safety of our bodies not to hurt them.
The effect that ankle restraint has had on the body and especially on the back was elaborated by the University of Ottawa Publication.
In that publication, researchers discovered the deeply interconnected nature of the human body. That’s the detailed report about cause effects and detailed methods used in that.
In short, to save time, I m sharing an important point with you that
“ In the organic form, the human body is perfect, but we invented some tools ( footwear) from time to time that helped us to move around. These helped us no doubt but they changed the way our organic human body moved. Our body parts are related to each other to perform all the organic tasks that were set before our creation. In movement, our leg bones have to perform a lot to take the body weight along with them also integrated.
Lifting, bending, leaning in those actions, something else in our body is compensating to allow us to do it, usually more than one thing.
In the case of the ankle, it was discovered that the calves, feet, and knees were being pushed beyond their functional limits. Then we move to the thighs, and the hips, and very quickly we’ve arrived at the backbone that keeps our body and supports too much.
It may seem like the ankle to the back that it would be impossible for this connection to be true.”
In short, our main concern is related to the work boots’ effect on our backs. Whether the research is true or not.
High Heel on Back Pain
Some work boots have high heels to keep the balance and gravity to make us move.
The strain of muscles is caused by high heels when we try to keep our bodies upright.
Firm Cushioned Insole
In general work, boots seem a simple tool to wear to move but it handles the dozens of different bone operations that make us move. High protect work boots with firm insoles, hearty outsole, and steel shank that control the foot bones to work freely as it is made to. For better movement and easy walking, it is best to wear work boots that have sufficient cushioning.
Foot Compression
Mostly due to working in different conditions and environments most of us purchase the wrong size. Wrong sizes for nerve damage, physical deformity, and pain not in feet but also create in other parts of the body too especially in the back.
To illustrate it you have to imagine wearing a pair of rigidity composite steel toe work boots that pinch the feet. After regular use for a couple of months, you feel less numbness, but it goes away as you put off your footwear, so it’s not to worry. But in reality, absolutely to worry about, and it’s probably already changed your way of work.
As your feet are a bit numb, so you don’t care how hard you’re stepping down in these work boots. And with time it used to and the chain reaction of shockwaves sent up to legs and into your hips while jumping. It also causes compression of the spine bone too. It also caused pain in my lower back. If you feel a bit of compression, you must consult your medical officer regarding this. Regular consultation or check prevents you from any pain.
It may be due to the work boots that you used to wear on your duty. So a selection of good and really comfortable work boots is essential for your health too. Safety work boots that provide shock absorption and cushioning high technology will be recommended to prevent such situations.
Work Boots Design has affected the back pain
Heavyweight work boots also can be the cause of lower back pain. Boots’ weight is not specified to it but it also creates problems in any type of footwear use. High-thick rain boots are also heavy and cause pain in the lower back area.
Every and every work boot type has some specific or versatile features that make them best for the field they design for. So we could not say what type of boots specifically cause the pain. But we can identify the reason for work boots’ features that cause back pain.
What is the Best Type of work shoes for Back Pain?
The work shoes that are best in the prevention of back pain must have lightweight, and comfortable as much as they can facilitate movement with a natural style. Must check the work boots before purchase that they have followed the standards set by OSHA for specific work industries.
Nothing or not work boots 100% fulfill the safety, comfort, and safety measures. It’s our assumption that they should be. So when you wanna shop for a work boot for you, you must consider the above-mentioned points that will save you a bit.
Solutions for the work boots to Prevent Back Pain.
Now above I discuss the reason or the causes of back pain due to work boots. Now, what to do to prevent back pain from work shoes.? Here After research, I came here to bring some valid points that are helpful in the prevention of back pain. Such as fit-to-size work boots, use of insoles, and lacing boots style are things that I experienced that generate relief from pain very well.
Proper or Fit to size
Fit to exact size or proper size work footwear makes your body comfortable. It also supports your feet in movement with body balancing. When your movement is stable and accurate. Your body performs naturally and it prevents back pain that links to our bone’s joint system too.
It is possible when you physically go to the market and purchase a pair for yourself. While if you are an online buyer, then you must consider it twice. Because every brand has its own size measurements. So before confirmation of online order. You must click the check box of the return policy to save your money from waste.
Exact Lacing style to prevent back pain.
To loosen up the lace when the work boots are tight lacing choking your feet and creating pain. Lacework boots are mostly used in high-hazard areas. So if you tie them in very tight lacing they hurt your feet. Best lace up them as you move comfortably and feely easy in wearing them. Also not hurt your feet.
Easy way to lace up as no more foot compression generates on the heel and ankle. It helps them with easy movement. Every work boots brand designs boots such that lace-up style. They have a small room there between the insole and steel shank to offset the rigidity of boots. And make them comfortable with the movement. A lace-up boot helps the ankle to be restricted and allows natural movement. A decrease in compression level can make body movement natural and comfortable which helps in the prevention of back pain.
Foot Orthotics insole to reduce Back Pain!
Lack of arch supports is the reason for heel and foot pain to back pain. Sometimes the pain criplled due to the not proper insole inserted in work boots. As foot size is different from person to person, the same arch is also different too. So it is very important to consider the proper insole that has arch support and is exactly to your arch. Because if your feet hurt inside the boot. How is it possible for you to move comfortably and do your work all day long?
Best to have work boots that have removable insoles. Replace that with orthotic insoles that are medicated and have full arch support to prevent back pain.
Back Pain or sciatica Pain due to work boots
I wanna discuss sciatica pain that was caused by the lower disc in the spinal bone. That mostly starts from the left foot to the left leg then the hips to the lower disk plate in the spinal cord. It is very painful and the movement of a person almost stops due to it. It is a severe type of back pain.
Along with many other factors, I found two points that are related to the work boots that cause sciatica pain.
1 Non-Supportive Work Footwear
2. Overweight
Non Supportive work Footwear
The kind of work boot that we wear also causes compression not only on our feet. But also on our sciatic nerves too. As above we discuss that high heels also create nerve pain or injury. As a result, in high heels, the body flexes at the hips and stresses the muscles towards the body. Also vertebrae in lower back disks near the nerve.
Work boots that do have not cushioned insoles or adequate arch support that also reason to trigger sciatica pain. All non-supportive work shoes have a great impact on every step we take up our legs to our lower back.
The lower back or lower disk spine cords (vertebrae) bear almost all the weight our body carries on. If we gain or are overweight we put more pressure on the vertebrae that are close to the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve moves between the vertebrae at the base of our spine, where it’s perfectly positioned to bear the brunt of excess pressure that worsens nerve compression.
Few of my readers may not agree with all of my statements or some agree with them. But is it to admit that a work boot causes back pain? Say yes, cause every small point is not to be thrown away. But to be considered to understand the different factors that cause the back pain these are among them. So we do not totally disagree with them.